Caffe Torch TensorFlow
Written in C++
Has Python and MATLAB bindings
Good for training or finetuning feedforward model
Four Major Classes:
- Blob : Stores data and derivatives(weights,data,labels) [data diffs],[gpu cpu]
- Layer : input(bottom) blob -> output(top) blob.
- Net : Many Layers. computes gradients via forward/backward
- Solver : Uses gradients to update weights
Protocol Buffers
- Typed Json from google
- Define “message types” in .proto files
- Serialize instances to text files .prototxt
- Compile classes for different languages
Caffe: Training / Finetuning
No need to write code!
- Convert data (run a script)
- Define net (edit prototxt)
- Define solver (edit prototxt)
- Train (with pretrained weights) (run a script)
Convert Data
[path/to/image.jpeg] [label]
DataLayer 直接从LMDB读是最方便的
- ImageDataLayer: Read from image files
- WindowDataLayer: For detection
- HDF5Layer: Read from HDF5 file
- From memory, using Python interface
- All of these are harder to use (except Python)
Define Net
.prototxt can get ugly for big models
ResNet-152 prototxt is 6775 lines long!
直接修改 prototxt
Same name: weights copied
Different name: weights reinitialized
Define Solver
If finetuning, copy existing solver. prototxt file
- Change net to be your net
- Change snapshot_prefix to your output
- Reduce base learning rate (divide by 100)
- Maybe change max_iter and snapshot
例如learning rate,可以改成几个值,然后去用
./build/tools/caffe train \
-gpu 0 \
-model path/to/trainval.prototxt \
-solver path/to/solver.prototxt \
-weights path/to/pretrained_weights.caffemodel
-gpu -1 是CPU mode
-gpu all 是多GPU 并行
Model Zoo
AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet, plus others
Caffe: Python Interface
Not much documentation…
Read the code! Two most important files:
● caffe/python/caffe/_caffe.cpp:
○ Exports Blob, Layer, Net, and Solver classes
● caffe/python/caffe/
○ Adds extra methods to Net class
Good for:
- Interfacing with numpy
- Extract features: Run net forward
- Compute gradients: Run net backward (DeepDream, etc)
- Define layers in Python with numpy (CPU only)
Caffe Pros / Cons
- (+) Good for feedforward networks
- (+) Good for finetuning existing networks
- (+) Train models without writing any code!
(+) Python interface is pretty useful!
- (-) Need to write C++ / CUDA for new GPU layers(在Caffe上写新的Layer很麻烦)
- (-) Not good for recurrent networks = (-) Cumbersome for big networks (GoogLeNet, ResNet)
- From NYU + IDIAP
- Written in C and Lua
- Used a lot a Facebook, DeepMind
Tensors like numpy arrays
require 'cutorch'
require 'cunn'
local dtype = 'torch.CudaTensor'
:type(dtype) Document
Torch :: nn
nn module lets you easily build and train neural nets
Build a two-layer ReLU net
Torch : cunn
Import a few new packages
require 'torch'
require 'cutorch'
require 'nn'
require 'cunn'
Cast network and criterion
Cast data and labels
local x = torch.randn(N,D):type(dtype)
local y = torch.randn(N).random(C):type(dtype)
Torch: optim
update rules: momentum, Adam, etc
Import optim package
requre 'optim'
Write a callback function that returns loss and gradients
state variable holds hyperparameters, cached values, etc; pass it to adams
Torch: Modules
Caffe has Nets and Layers;
Torch just has Modules
- Forward / backward written in Lua using Tensor methods
- Modules are classes written in Lua; easy to read and write
Same code runs on CPU / GPU
- Sequential
- ConcatTable
- ParallelTable
Torch: nngraph
Use nngraph to build modules that combine their inputs in complex ways
Torch: Package Management
loadcaffe: Load pretrained Caffe models: AlexNet, VGG, some others
GoogLeNet v1:
GoogLeNet v3:
Torch: Package Management
like pip : luarocks
Torch: Other useful packages
● torch.cudnn: Bindings for NVIDIA cuDNN kernels
● torch-hdf5: Read and write HDF5 files from Torch
● lua-cjson: Read and write JSON files from Lua,
● cltorch, clnn: OpenCL backend for Torch, and port of nn
● torch-autograd: Automatic differentiation; sort of like more powerful nngraph, similar to Theano or TensorFlow
● fbcunn: Facebook: FFT conv, multi-GPU (DataParallel, ModelParallel)
Torch: Typical Workflow
Step 1: Preprocess data; usually use a Python script to dump data to HDF5
Step 2: Train a model in Lua / Torch; read from HDF5 datafile, save trained model to disk
Step 3: Use trained model for something, often with an evaluation script
Step 1: Preprocess data; usually use a Python script to dump data to HDF5 (
Step 2: Train a model in Lua / Torch; read from HDF5 datafile, save trained model to disk (
Step 3: Use trained model for something, often with an evaluation script (
Torch: Pros / Cons
- (+) Lots of modular pieces that are easy to combine
- (+) Easy to write your own layer types and run on GPU
- (+) Most of the library code is in Lua, easy to read
(+) Lots of pretrained models!
- (-) Not great for RNNs
- (-) Less plug-and-play than Caffe. You usually write your own training code
Embracing computation graphs, symbolic computation
High-level wrappers: Keras, Lasagne
Compile a function
produces c from x, y, z (generates code)
Theano computes gradients for us symbolically!
Theano: Computing Gradients
Problem: Shipping weights and gradients to CPU on every iteration to update…
解决方案:Theano: Shared Variables
Define weights as shared variables that persist in the graph between calls; initialize with numpy arrays
w1 = theano.shared(1e-3 * np.random.randn(D,H),name='w1')
Function includes an update that updates weights on every call
To train the net, just call function repeatedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lasagne: High Level Wrapper
writes the update rule for you
Keras: High level wrapper
makes common things easy to do
(Also supports TensorFlow backend)
Theano: Pros / Cons
- (+) Python + numpy
- (+) Computational graph is nice abstraction
(+) RNNs fit nicely in computational graph
(+) High level wrappers (Keras, Lasagne) ease the pain
- (-) Raw Theano is somewhat low-level
- (-) Error messages can be unhelpful
- (-) Large models can have long compile times
- (-) Much “fatter” than Torch; more magic
- (-) Patchy support for pretrained models
Very similar to Theano - all about computation graphs
Easy visualizations (TensorBoard)
Multi-GPU and multi-node training
TensorFlow: Tensorboard
TensorFlow: Pros / Cons
(+) Python + numpy
(+) Computational graph abstraction, like Theano; great for RNNs
- (+) Much faster compile times than Theano
(+) Slightly more convenient than raw Theano?
(+) TensorBoard for visualization
- (+) Data AND model parallelism; best of all frameworks
(+/-) Distributed models, but not open-source yet
- (-) Slower than other frameworks right now
- (-) Much “fatter” than Torch; more magic
- (-) Not many pretrained models
Caffe vs Torch vs Theano vs TensorFlow
Segmentation? (Classify every pixel)
- Need pretrained model (Caffe, Torch, Lasagna)
- Need funny loss function
- If loss function exists in Caffe: Use Caffe
- If you want to write your own loss: Use Torch
Object Detection?
-> Use Caffe + Python or Torch
Language modeling with new RNN structure?
-> Use Theano or TensorFlow
Implement BatchNorm?
-> Implement efficient backward pass? Use Torch
Feature extraction / finetuning existing models: Use Caffe
Complex uses of pretrained models: Use Lasagne or Torch
Write your own layers: Use Torch
Crazy RNNs: Use Theano or Tensorflow
Huge model, need model parallelism: Use TensorFlow
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