视频处理笔记 Mar 27, 2016 Machine Learning Deep Learning CNN Feature-based approaches to Activity Recognition
分割、Attention Model与空间变化 笔记 Mar 26, 2016 Machine Learning Deep Learning CNN Szegedy et al, Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning, arXiv 2016
CNN使用的一些细节 Mar 26, 2016 Machine Learning Deep Learning CNN Data augmentation: artificially expand your data
RNN、Image Captioning和LSTM笔记 Stanford CS231n Mar 24, 2016 Machine Learning Deep Learning RNN Recurrent Neural Network
深度学习卷积神经网络(斯坦福2016 CS231n)笔记 Mar 20, 2016 Machine Learning Deep Learning CNN CS231n Lecture 3 第三个视频笔记